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Sutherland PSSA

Life Membership Policy




This Association acknowledges the ongoing commitment by teachers in organising and supporting sport in our local Public Schools by awarding them our Life Membership Award.


1. These are to be submitted in writing by the end of Term 3 each year to the  current President. He or she will discuss the merits of the nominated  teacher/s with other members of the Sutherland PSSA Executive.

2. There is no set number of nominations each year and no compulsion for nominations to occur each year.

3. Nominated teachers must have accumulated 5 years of active service within the Association. Their service will be assessed against their attendance at meetings, involvement as a sport convenor or carnival managers, etc.


1. The President will contact the successful teacher’s Principal and invite them to attend the AGM to show their support.

2. The successful recipients will be acknowledged (and presented with their badge) at the AGM held late Term 4.

3. The nominating teacher will write a citation (in consultation with past and  present colleagues of the nominee) listing their achievements in regards to  School, Zone, Area or State sports.

Past recipients 

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